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Last modified: Wed, 8 July 2009
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13th International Conference on Elastic & Diffractive Scattering
(13th "Blois Workshop")
CERN, 29th June - 3rd July 2009
the conference aims at discussing the physics of high-energy hadronic interactions with focus on:
elastic and total hadron-hadron cross sections, soft/hard diffractive collisions, central-exclusive processes,
photon-induced collisions, low-x QCD and heavy-ions, ultra-high-energy cosmic rays.
talks and discussions, both experimental and theoretical, will be organized around the following sessions:
- status of LHC (1/2 day)
- elastic and total scattering (1/2 day)
- soft diffraction (1/2 day)
- hard diffraction (1/2 day)
- central exclusive production & new physics with rapidity gaps (1/2 day)
- discussion session on experimental techniques in forward physics (1/2 day)
- low-x QCD & heavy-ions (1/2 day)
- photon-induced physics (1/4 day)
- cosmic-rays (1/4 day)
the workshop will take place at CERN
(Council Chamber, Bldg 503)